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Polish Government Prepares Bill on Introducing POS Terminals to Every Government Office and Every Company

The bill introduces mandatory acceptance of cashless payments

The Government Legislation Center’s website published a bill which is being prepared by the Ministry of Development. The bill will make it obligatory for public administration offices to give citizens the possibility to pay their taxes and other fees using a cashless method. The proposed law does not specify that government offices will have to accept card payments – a cashless payment may include other common payment methods, such as making a bank transfer.

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However, I would assume that in reality, government offices will mostly be equipped with payment terminals to allow card payments. I think that this is currently the most convenient, cheap way to meet the bill's requirements, especially since the ministry of development is implementing a program, in cooperation with the National Clearing House, that equips government offices with terminals, which are free of charge for the offices as well as for the customers.

The bill also states that electronic payment instruments can also be used when paying fees related to enforcement proceedings. At least one method of electronic payment will also have to be accepted by companies that provide services to private customers.

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An appropriate implementing regulation, the language of which is not known yet, will specify which businesses will be affected by this. This suggests that not all kinds of businesses will have to accept cashless payments, at least not immediately. Previous information from representatives of the ministries of finance and development suggests that the new regulation will first apply to restaurants, hotels and gas stations.


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