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Here Is the 2019 Polish Fintech Map

We are proud to present the second edition of a project created by Cashless together with the Fintech Poland foundation

A few days ago, we hosted our second Cashless Fintech Evening event, during which we unveiled the 2019 Polish Fintech Map prepared by the Cashless team in cooperation with the Fintech Poland foundation. The map was presented by the foundation's director, Paweł Widawski. You can now download the Polish Fintech Map by clicking here.

Compared to last year's edition, it includes a lot more entries. Some of them are companies or projects launched in the last 12 months, such as Cashap, Posspay or Qlips. Other organizations and initiatives have been around for longer, but were only presented in this year's edition of the map, often thanks to Cashless readers.

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As you can see, we divided Polish fintech companies into several categories. In most cases it was easy to assign the organizations to one of them. However, for some companies the choice was not obvious. This was usually the case for organizations that provide several different services. This included, for example, Blue Media (payments, but also loans) or mElements (only loans for now, but a number of services for mBank business customers in the future). In those instances, the fintech was assigned to a category at the map authors’ discretion.

The map includes not only typical fintech companies, such as SkyCash or Fandla, but also fintech projects launched by traditional financial institutions. This would include services such as PZU GO or Paybynet. If such an organization has several fintech services, the map will include their respective logos, not the logo of the service provider. Thus the map includes the Paybynet logo but not the National Clearing House (KIR) logo, as well as Screenity instead of TU Europa. Exceptions were made if a fintech project didn't yet have its own logo. That's why the map includes First Data Poland, which is working on SPOS.

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How do we define a Polish fintech company? It's any business that offers a high-tech financial service and whose main headquarters or development center is located in Poland. The map doesn’t include traditional financial institutions, such as banks, insurance companies or brokerages, unless they offer a high-tech service that has a separate logo. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding our map, or if you know a fintech company that should be included, comment below or send us an email at


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